Friday, March 11, 2016

Types of paper bags

                We all use plastic bags in our daily routine for so many things. They are used worldwide to carry anything and everything and we blindly use it without thinking what it is doing to the environment around us. Paper bags are a much better replacement option and it comes in different forms for us to use as well.

·         Different types of paper bags
o   Flat paper bags
Flat paper bags are the thin and long paper bags we see in any medical store or a restaurant to deliver soup. They cannot carry a lot and are used for carrying small quantities only.
o   Kirana Bags
Being much bigger than flat paper bags, these are mostly seen in super marts and food malls and are used when you are taking the products you have bought outside the store and taking them home. These come as Printed Paper Bags as well and come in various shapes and sizes and have a certain level of thickness.
o   Bags with twisted handle
These paper bags generally have a handle attached on both the sides of the paper bag. It is made of some sort of thin cane like material and these bags are seen a lot in clothing stores and shoes stores as a lot of stores are getting environment conscious. These bags have a custom packaging of the paper as per every organization and hence have their own style of a paper bag.
o   Square Bottom Bags

As the name says it, these paper bags having a square bottom and can easily be considered as one of the classy paper bags in the market to purchase. They stand out with their unusual and attractive shape and can be seen in a lot of stores being used. There are many custom boxes in the market as well made of paper which is much more environment friendly.

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